photo of woman and girl talking while lying on bed

5 Important Lessons My Daughter Taught Me

When I envisioned myself as a mom before having my daughter, I thought of all the amazing things I would teach her from potty training to self-love to how to be kind to others. I read so many mommy blogs, and I took mental notes of every piece of advice. I was sure I had it all figured out. BUT if you are a mom, and you find yourself reading this you can certainly vouch for me here: We had no clue what we were in store for. Nothing, no book, no class can ever prepare you. And as time progresses, I realize that I am equally learning from her just as she learns from me. 

Here is everything I learned so far as a mom: 

1)Creating a smaller version of myself taught me that I’m not that easy to get along with some days.  Each day I see a little more of myself in my daughter from the strong-willed personality to the allergic reaction to hearing the word “no.” Seeing my personality traits so embedded in a mini version of me has been a great opportunity to self-reflect. I’m learning to be much more patient with others and to make necessary adjustments to my attitude. By gaining self-awareness, I can ensure she only picks up the positive traits from me and be molded into the best possible version of herself.  

2)I’ve learned to appreciate the smaller things in life.  Have you ever heard a parent talk about how their children enjoy the box more than the actual toy that comes inside? I’ve thought about this often, and as time goes on I’ve learned that watching your kid like the box more than the actual toy is my gentle reminder that I should enjoy the journey in life more than the destination.

“…I’ve learned that watching your kid like the box more than the actual toy is my gentle reminder that I should enjoy the journey in life more than the destination.”

Think about the excitement your child gets from the smallest things – a Happy Meal, a trip to the park, a new coloring book. After becoming a mom, it’s allowed me to reflect and find joy in the simple things life offers.  

3)Everyone who warned me about the terrible twos was wrong. Yes – you read this correctly. They were ALL wrong. Every stage of your child’s life – whether they are a newborn, toddler, or teenager- will be met with its own challenge. Every single stage has had its version of “terrible twos.” I’ve learned to embrace each year I spend with her and not to dwell over the obstacles that come with it. Yes – I missed out on sleep during the newborn phase, but there are so many days I long to scoop up my little one and cuddle her until she falls asleep. At age 4, there are some days where the sass is too much to handle, but there is nothing I love more than being able to interact and make fun memories with her. And there will be more bumps in the road as she grows, but if there’s one thing I know it’s that I plan to enjoy every step along the way.

4) Being a mom makes me a stronger individual.  I vividly remember the first time I had a cold as a new mom. It was such a strange feeling to want MY mom but also have to be someone else’s mother. Recognizing that this small human does not have one ounce of care that I am under the weather and will still need to be fed in the middle of the night is a sure-fire way to become mentally and emotionally stronger. But honestly, think about it. As moms, we become queens of problem-solving, and it’s not because we are smarter. We just have less time to dwell over any situation and are in a constant flow of solution-finding-amazingness. 

5)And lastly, I’ve learned the true meaning of unconditional love.  This one is a given, but what would this list be without the most important lesson of all? We do what we do because when it comes to our kids, we love hard. I’ve never wanted to make every single moment of someone else’s life so incredibly special as I do as a mother. Each day I am grateful to have learned the true meaning of unconditional love.

If I’m honest, this list could go on and on. She teaches me to be more patient, kinder, and new perspectives on things I thought I’ve mastered. She challenges me daily to change for the better and to seek ways to improve my flaws. It is true that as mothers, we are their FIRST teachers, but I truly believe we learn more along the way than we teach them in the end. Let’s embrace every opportunity to learn from our little (or not so little ones) and mold them into beautiful, smart, and kind leaders!

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