cheerful surprised woman sitting with laptop

20 Free Ways to Instantly Boost Your Mood This Winter

Every winter, I start off in a winter wonderland.  I pleasantly smile at the first snow, I prepare for Christmas, and for that first month of winter, my life is one big Hallmark movie.  It’s fabulous.  But sometime around January, the snow stops looking so pretty, it’s cold, and it feels like it’s perpetually dark.  To be completely transparent, I struggle to stay as positive in winter once my Christmas spirit dwindles.

In talking to so many women, it’s clear that we ALL face this same struggle in varying degrees.  But, what if we were proactive this year to avoid these uncomfortable feelings altogether?  Sure, every day won’t be perfect BUT I’ve created a comprehensive list of simple and FREE (socially-distancing-friendly) ways to keep your spirits up. Let’s take a look at the list below:

20 Free Ways to Instantly Boost Your Mood:

  1. Create a spa day at home. Take a bubble bath, give yourself a facial using homemade ingredients.  Not only will you feel more relaxed, but you will be glowing as well!
  2. Rearrange the rooms in your house to capture more natural light. This helps relieve your cabin fever. A little sunshine will surely boost your mood.
  3. Start a new workout plan. There are so many FREE workout videos available at your disposal. Use a few different programs to see what you like best before committing to paying for that gym membership. When you are moving your body, you feel good!
  4. Have a regularly scheduled virtual happy hour with the girls OR a virtual game night via zoom. Dedicate your Wednesday evenings to a 30-minute call with the girls. Grab a glass of wine and catch up. Having something weekly to look forward to is a sure way to add positivity to your life.
  5. Grow a winter flower. Use this list of winter-friendly flower to get you started! As women, we are naturally nurturing. Channel that energy into watching your plant bloom.
  6. Declutter your home and do some early spring cleaning. Keep yourself busy doing something productive. Not only will you feel better having a clutter-free home, but once the weather breaks you won’t have to waste even one minute cleaning. Time to get some fresh air!
  7. Create a vision board for the year to come. If you are a woman who likes the idea of intentional goal setting and manifesting, this one is for YOU. You will be so busy working toward your dreams, you won’t have time to be in a funk.
  8. Write letters of appreciation to your loved ones. This will tap into your gratitude bucket. Expressing gratitude is a sure way to feel better as a whole.
  9. Dedicate one day to watching your favorite movies. Grab all your favorite snacks, too. Sometimes we just need a day to distract our minds and indulge a bit. You’ll feel so refreshed the following day and be ready to take on any challenge.
  10. Try a new recipe. I love this one because it doubles as an opportunity to make a healthy diet change AND when you’re cooking, you’ll be so focused on creating a quality dish that you will have no time to worry.
  11. Wake up earlier to catch more sunlight. If it’s the perpetual darkness of winter that gets to you, set an alarm one hour earlier to make sure you are awake during the brightest hours of the day. You may even find that you’re more productive with a little extra sunlight.
  12. Bundle up and take a cool winter stroll. Instead of despising the cold and dark, try to embrace it a bit. You may find a little extra beauty this time of year seeing the glistening of the snow on tree branches or the quiet stillness of the season.
  13. Practice journaling daily. If you find yourself in a winter funk, try writing it out. There are so many FREE resources to find gratitude journal prompts or self-care journal prompts. Try out my 15 Thought-Provoking Journal Prompts to start out!
  14. Watch a motivational video or a TED talk. I almost always find myself teary-eyed after a good motivational speech. Even if its effects only last for a day or two, it is STILL such an excellent mood-booster.
  15. Create a small reading list and give yourself small rewards when you’ve completed a book. Reading is such a helpful and healthy distraction. Treat yourself to your favorite sushi roll after you finish a good one.
  16. Purge old clothing/items and donate them. I can guarantee there are at least one or two items in your home that you do not use. It could be an old winter jacket or a few blankets. Throw them in the wash, fold them up, and take them to your local Salvation Army. Helping others is such a rewarding feeling. You’ll be surprised how much better this one makes you feel!
  17. Stretch every morning for five minutes. Or ten! Just take a moment to be intentional with your morning and use those moments to exhale and focus on positive, happy thoughts. Not only will your body thank you but your mind will, too!
  18. Clean up accounts you are following on social media and only follow accounts that inspire you. Let’s be honest. Social media is not going anywhere soon. So use it to your advantage! Follow accounts that make you feel good. You are in total control, so make it work for YOU.
  19. Dress up, do your best hair and makeup just because! Sometimes we wait and wait for an occasion to look and feel our best. It’s okay to do this for yourself! You deserve to feel your absolute best no matter what.
  20. Create a feel-good playlist.  Put plenty of thought into your song choices to make sure it will immediately put you in the best mood. If you feel in a funk, you have this playlist in your toolbox and can immediately turn those negative feelings around.

These are a few of the ways I plan to boost my mood this winter, but there are still SO many amazing methods out there.  Let me know in the comments anything that has worked for you.  Together, we will learn to love and appreciate these snowy days!  

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