What I believe in

I am a firm believer in the power of sharing experiences, good and bad.  My hope is to empower you to become your best self, find your voice and inspire you to transform trials into victories. 

Why I started the blog

My blogging journey started as a passion project.  I used writing as a way to release my creative energy while navigating life as a full-time working mama in the corporate world.  The more I shared my life and some of the obstacles I’ve overcome in motherhood and striving toward my goals, the more I realized the ability I had to help transform lives.

My mission

Today, the blog is my way to help share my story AND most importantly, help other women share their journey through blogging, too!  

I’m the friend you can call when you need a good motivational talk and to remind you that you have a cheerleader in your corner.  I am so genuinely happy you’re here, and I look forward to growing together.

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