
6 simple ways to attract more positivity into your life

“You know, you’re not as positive as you appear on social media,” my niece blurted out at a gathering one evening. I wanted to be upset, but I couldn’t help but recognize how right she was. I’ve built my entire social media brand as a woman who brings light and positivity to others, but I would be lying to myself if I said that each day is full of rainbows and unicorns. Some days I vent about a rough workday from start to finish, or I eat junk food in bed as I wait for my problems to solve themselves. However, one thing I’ve made sure to avoid is allowing my negativity to flow into others, and I treat each morning as a new opportunity regardless of any events that took place the day before. Instead of sharing my negativity with the world, I actively work toward spreading light and love since we attract what we put out into the world after all. I’ve noticed that in doing this, I’ve been able to attract more positivity into my life, and my good days outnumber the bad days by a long haul.

While we may not be as positive as our Instagram feeds make us appear to be, there are so many simple ways to attract more positivity into our lives. Here are six ways to get you started:

1. Get active. Replace time spent saying unkind words about yourself with a five-minute workout. Sometimes, I put on my favorite playlist and completely freestyle a workout. Another way to get active is a quick yoga session. My ultimate favorite yoga classes have occurred in the comfort of my own home. Staying active helps improve your mood, increases confidence, and when you feel good, you are a magnet for positivity.

2. Compliment others and do it often. It’s no secret that being kind to others must go in the recipe for a positive life, but what does it REALLY do for you? Simple. It helps combat the bad feelings you may experience about yourself from time to time. Have you ever encountered another woman that is basically a Victoria Secret model lookalike? Instead of feeling intimidated, a quick compliment helps you relieve any ounce of envy or jealousy. It turns those feelings into admiration which is a must more positive experience for ourselves and others. Genuine compliments to others lift their spirit, and it feels good to say kind things!

3. Replace time spent on social media with mindfulness. At least once or twice a week, I challenge myself to have activities where my phone isn’t glued to my face. It could be as simple as a walk through the neighborhood while I leave my phone at home. Sometimes, I will temporarily delete social media apps from my phone, just to feel a little more centered. Social media is such an amazing tool to connect with others, but sometimes, we risk exposing ourselves to unwarranted negativity (hence my reasoning for bullet #1). Challenge yourself to spend one day free of social media a week and watch the difference it makes in your life.

4. Listen to uplifting music. Have you ever watched a movie, and as soon as the credits roll you sob like an absolute baby? Music has SUCH a huge impact on our emotions. This is why I make it my goal to listen to music that gives me energy and has a positive message. I love anything with an upbeat tempo and catchy lyrics. If you are having a rough morning, immediately put on a song that will put you in a better mood. Keep a playlist of songs that you know you can turn to.

5. Create positive affirmations that apply to your life. I speak life over every good thing that happens in my life. Before it even occurs, I claim it. Positive affirmations seem like such an overhyped theory, but I promise they are so helpful and they WORK. Mind Body Life has an amazing article that outlines gratitude affirmations which is an amazing way to get you started on your positivity journey. There are so many amazing resources out there to teach you to create affirmations that apply specifically to your life which are sure to help you be a more positive version of yourself.

6. Be flexible in your routine. Sometimes, we unknowingly make ourselves miserable through the expectations we have of ourselves. I lived most of my preteen to early 20s with the expectation that if I weren’t ten minutes early, I was late. This anxious energy boiled over to those around me, and if I’m honest, there are instances I wasn’t too fun to be around. The more I recognized that it’s okay if I were a tad late, the more pleasant I was to be around. Think about how your routine is limiting you or negatively affecting your life? If you aren’t a morning person, stop dragging yourself out of bed for an AM workout and switch it out for an evening walk or run. One small change to your life could be an absolute game-changer for your entire outlook on life. Being flexible gives you more opportunities for good things to come your way.

I truly believe if we use this list as a starting point, we will find ourselves stumbling across other ways to attract more positivity. Get active, complement others, block off social media-free days, listen to uplifting songs and often, actively use positive affirmations, and remember to always be flexible in your routine. What other ways do you attract positivity? Let us know in the comments!

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