
Why I Love My Post-Baby Body More

When I finally had the strength to stand, I waddled to the bathroom mirror only to find the most unpleasant surprise: my post-baby belly looked no different from my pregnant stomach that my daughter called home for the last nine months. The blinding fluorescent hospital lighting further accentuated all the unflattering angles of my new body.

If I’m honest, I selfishly felt a little shattered. I missed my old body before this. I missed wearing jeans, my feet fitting in regular shoes without bulging from swelling. And if you’re a mama, I KNOW you understand this feeling all too well.

As I stood there examining each flaw, suddenly something stopped me in my tracks: the faint cry of my daughter in the other room. What an amazing, humbling, eye-opening experience leading to this realization:

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How could I dislike a body that brought the human I love most into this world? This body created life. It expanded for her to grow and form and birth a baby.

From that moment, I knew I’d actively work to embrace these flaws and recognize the true blessing.

So much of what we digest through the media is focused on moms having a quick “snap back” or “bouncing back” right after birth. We have celebrities showcasing unrealistic post-baby body pictures that are completely unattainable to someone who has no access to a nanny, a personal chef, and a trainer.

As a new mom, I truly spent the first few months in survival mode. Like, literally and figuratively working to keep me alive and another human as well. If I spent even an ounce of time wallowing in sadness that I didn’t have the Jessica Alba post-baby body of my dreams, I wasn’t doing my job well enough.

Even today, five years later, I still see the changes. Though I may appear back to my normal state fully clothed, I can still see the subtle differences even if others may not notice.

But do you want to know the bold hard truth?

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I love this new body now. It brought my tiny best friend into the world. When I see myself through her eyes, I am perfect. Our children don’t see our flaws. They see their hero, a nurturer, a person who they love unconditionally.

Mamas, love YOUR new body. Admire its strength. Be grateful God trusted it to bring in new life. Revel in its ability to expand in proportion to grow your tiny human. Watch as your children grow and learn each day, and find peace knowing that without this body, they wouldn’t exist. Remember that we are flawless in their yes. And with that, we find our purpose.

Featured photo by: Jonathan Gallegos

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