Growth,  Mindset

How to Make the Most Out of Your 20s: 3 Important Takeaways

If you had the opportunity to have a heart-to-heart with the younger version of yourself, what would you tell her? Would you warn her to avoid certain situations? Would you push her to chase after a dream? What would be your most important lesson?

For me, one thing that has been a true blessing is the wisdom from the women who went before me and paved the way. This wisdom has shown up in various forms: It could be a direct lecture from them, mistakes they made that I knew to avoid, or even courageous acts and leaps of faith that inspired me. 

One thing I am sure of is that these women have truly shaped who I am today. As I enter the final year of my twenties, I feel much more self-assured, confident, and at peace with whatever comes my way in the next chapter of my life. And as a strong believer in reaching back to help others, I feel compelled to share the important takeaways from my twenties to help others get the most out of these first few years in adulthood to set them up for success.  

“There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.” – John Holmes

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Here are three ways to get the most out of your 20s:


1. Don’t limit yourself when it comes to your career

A recent study explains that 75% of executive women report personally experienced imposter syndrome at certain points in their career. This statistic is why we must eliminate the limiting belief that we are underqualified for a job. Apply for your dream job or start that business. One of two things will happen: You will do amazing and realizing you were simply doubting yourself OR you will be pushed outside your comfort zone and learn new things.  

Find something you’re passionate about to do outside of career goals and studying for a degree. This passion will keep you creative, balanced, and inspired.

Most importantly, always remember that your work will be there when you get back. Take that mental health day, book that vacation, and live your life. We can always replace money, but time is an invaluable resource.  

2. Find meaningful friendships

Many of your friends-turned-family during your childhood will likely stay throughout many stages of your adult life. But don’t be discouraged if you find that your friendship dynamics change. You’ll progress at different paces personally and professionally. The best thing to do is to embrace each phase and root for them. There will be moments they are further along than you. Trust that your time is coming, and they will be right there, too! No matter what, be genuinely happy for them. 

Be open to meeting people who share different viewpoints and can introduce you to new experiences. An opportunity or that ‘thing’ you’ve been searching for could be right on the other side of someone new you meet. Create genuine friendships, life-long bonds and grow together.

Lastly, choose quality over quantity. You’re going to cross paths with so many amazing people in your journey. Hang on to a few good friends that inspire you, make you feel valued, and reciprocate kindness, respect, and favors.

3. Run your own race and enjoy each moment

There will be this nagging voice in your head that you must reach certain milestones by a particular age. IGNORE IT. There is no timeline to check things off your list. You’ll look back on so many moments in your life and realize that you had to go through some experiences before getting to where you land. Trust the process and embrace your journey.

Remove the toxic idea that you must always be striving toward something. There will be periods you are relentlessly going after your goals. When you reach them, allow yourself to rest and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Our society is so obsessed with having a side-hustle and monetary success. In reality, true success is measured by how much joy you experience.

Don’t forget to slow down and make each moment beautiful. Soak up the belly laughs you have with your friends, the tears from your first heartbreak, the vacation to a new city, the career leap you make, the surprisingly amazing guy you find at your breaking point, the friendships you make along the way. Life will be one big roller coaster. There will be ups and downs but make it your masterpiece.  


Lastly, always be willing to pass on the wisdom you learn along away down to others. Hand the torch down to the next young woman by teaching her everything you wish you knew in hindsight. Our lives are beautiful journeys. Go after the career of your dreams, surround yourself with women who understand and inspire you, and run your race at your pace. Together, we learn. Together we rise.

Featured photo by: Anjali Mehta [Instagram: anj.mehta]

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