Growth,  Mindset

4 Secrets to Finding Your Passion in Life

Do you want to know the truth about finding your passion? I’ll share a secret: You’ve already found it because it lives within you. If you dig deep down inside, there has ALWAYS been something you desire to do. It could be that thing that came naturally to you as a child, or a theme of events that occurred in your life that led you to believe it is your calling.  

Re-visit the younger version of yourself. What did you tell yourself you wanted to be before reality set in? My guess is that if you find yourself reading this, you were and still ARE a dreamer. You believe that if you work hard enough you will achieve everything you deserve and more.  And I truly couldn’t agree more.  

So, how do you know when you’ve found your passion?

  1. You find yourself more energetic and enthusiastic. The adrenaline from chasing after something you love makes you feel more alive and recharged daily. You may notice you have to physically slow yourself down to take a break. (Everything in moderation, right?) You’re excited to share any progress, big or small, with those around you.
  2. You will often find yourself drifting off into thoughts about how to innovate what is currently being done to make it more efficient. For example, if you are opening a restaurant, you may find passion in re-creating traditional dishes with your spin. Or, if you desire to become a fitness instructor, you’ll create fresh, new programs to motivate clients. In short, your goal is to do what has never been done before OR, to simply do it better.
  3. Finding solutions comes easily. You are eager to do the research on how to become better at whatever it is your working toward. When you are presented with a challenge, you can quickly evaluate what needs to be done to remedy it.  

One important element to remember is that you can find your passion at any point in time in your life. There is no age limit to when you can stop striving toward your dreams. You may spend your 20s believing you’ve found it only to learn in your 40s that you have an entirely NEW passion. We are meant to constantly evolve and grow. With that growth means new goals and viewpoints. Embrace change and do the things that make you feel alive.  

If you haven’t found that one thing yet, I got you covered! Check out my 4 secrets to finding your passion below.

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Here are 4 Secrets to Finding Your Passion in Life:

1)Find a solution to one small problem. Finding a small solution to a problem may open doors to new opportunities. Imagine a successful doctor today. At one point in time, she likely helped clean up a scrape for a younger sibling. She found that helping them made her feel a sense of joy and pride. From that point, she solved more small problems each day which led to her now cleaning up wounds more complex than a simple scrape. But had she not taken that one tiny step she wouldn’t have found her passion. The same could be said for little girls helping their parents around the kitchen. The simple skills learned at a young age could lead to her being a successful restaurant owner in the future. Take a look at your community, the friends, and the family around you. Is there one small way you can help? You never know how one simple task could lead to finding something you love.

 2) Seek opportunities to volunteer. I once watched a documentary where a man had a strong desire to turn his life around after making a few mistakes in his youth. He volunteered to help doctors/nurses provide care for families in Africa. While in Africa, he learned that most of the medical issues were a result of them having no access to clean water. After leaving that trip, he made it his mission to provide clean water to communities in Africa. Had he not volunteered his time to help, he wouldn’t have found his true passion. I challenge you to find one way to volunteer, and I guarantee that you will get so much out of that opportunity. Your passion could be waiting on the other side.

3) Get a mentor that can connect you to the right people. We naturally flock to friends that share similar interests and have commonalities as it pertains to background, values, maybe even similar careers. Having peers is an important element to a happy life, but equally important is having someone who is a few steps ahead of you willing to reach back and direct your steps. This may not lead you exactly to your passion, BUT because they are further along in their careers they can introduce you to the right people you need to meet to achieve your goals. The best part is once YOU find your success, you can reach back and help someone else.

4) Write an honest and open letter to yourself. If you were talking to a friend who wanted to find their passion or felt like something was missing in their life, what would you say? You’d probably give them the pep talk of a lifetime, right? SO, do this for YOU. Sometimes, your passion is housed right beneath the surface just waiting for you to pull it out. Write yourself an honest and open letter and you’d be surprised to find it’s been there all along. You are truly magic, and you were meant to do great things in life.

Your passion is waiting for you to become the best version of yourself. Don’t you deserve to be just that? I think so! To find your passion, simply find a solution to one problem, volunteer your time, get a mentor, and most importantly, write a letter to yourself. I am truly rooting for each of you, and I challenge you to go after the things you love. What is something you’ve always felt passionate about?  

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