Growth,  Mindset

5 Easy Ways to Realign With Your Goals

Close your eyes and imagine yourself as a child. You were carefree and you dreamed big dreams without putting limitations on them with no concern whether or not they were realistic. While meeting a unicorn or eating chocolate for breakfast every day are not the same dreams we have today, I think it’s amazing to hold on to that same spirit that lived inside of you that the possibilities of what you can achieve are endless. For me, realigning with my goals is one way I tap back into that childlike mindset and keep my dreams big and bold.

Here are five easy ways to realign with your goals:

1. Put some positivity into your mind

I was on a flight home from visiting family when I decided to swap out my usual airplane playlist for an audiobook called “The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg. This book is life-changing. It helps to put a practical approach to habit shifting. Most self-development books are just reiterating what we’ve known all of our lives such as the power of thinking positive thoughts, that making excuses won’t help you succeed and to believe in yourself.  If you can’t decide on a book, try listening to an inspirational speech by doing a simple YouTube search.  There is so much inspiration available to us, and it will come in handy when we need that extra push.  But, it’s important to put those good thoughts in our brains and maintain a healthy mindset.

2. Take a break from your social calendar

Do you know that frustrating moment where your phone starts to glitch and slow down? To remedy this, you turn off your phone for five minutes then reboot it. Sometimes, this is what our body needs – to just be shut off and restarted. A weekend free of wild nights out or date night with the girls can be exactly what you need to realign with your mind, body, and soul. The quiet moments can be helpful to reflect and move us closer to the things we want to accomplish most.  If you need a few ideas to get started, check out these helpful tips here!

3. Give yourself small incentives along the way

When we finally reach a goal, we often think back to all we’ve been through to accomplish it. You will want to reflect on this time as challenging, a time of great growth and joy. If you are on a weight loss journey, plan a shopping day to get a new outfit for the new you. If your goal is to buy your first home, every time you hit your savings goal, buy one small item for your new house. Make this a fun time for you.

4. Schedule time to work on your goals

We are all busy. We juggle so many hats – we’re mothers, employees, significant others, college students, caretakers – the list goes on! It’s up to us to chisel out the time to make our dreams come true. Make your schedule work for you. If you only have five minutes a day to work out, use it. If you only have ten minutes to work on your small business, go for it. Go at the pace that works best for you but just be consistent!

5. Write yourself a letter to remember your WHY

Scribble down a short letter to yourself that outlines why you want to reach this goal, what it will do for your life and the people affected by the outcome of your goal, and be detailed in exactly what it is that you want to achieve by reaching this goal. For example, if you want to be an owner of a restaurant you may explain that your why is to be your own boss, to have a family-owned business to hand down to your family, to make food that brings people together, and then outline the size of your restaurant, the cuisine, the decor, and so on. If you find yourself getting weary while you’re on your journey, you can reference back to this letter. This will be the driving force to keep you fueled to keep going.

There are endless ways to realign with your goals, but these are just a few to get you started. We have so much to accomplish in our lifetimes, and the smallest changes can make a huge difference. I am rooting for you, beautiful! Go out there and accomplish amazing things!

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