Growth,  Mental Wellness,  Mindset

How I Use Powerful Affirmations to Become My Best Self

If you took inventory of every thought you had throughout the day, how many of those thoughts would be kind words you’ve said about yourself? Would your thoughts foster your growth, independence and contribute to overall well-being? Would they make you feel empowered and confident? Are they things you’d say to uplift a close friend?

It’s astounding what happens when we reflect on what we think and how it makes us feel.  I’ll be honest – at times, I am guilty of allowing my thoughts to spiral downward. SO I have to intentionally work at re-writing the narrative in my mind to become my best self. 

(Hence, why I am writing this post to help YOU if you can relate. We are in this together, right?!)

When I began to write this post, I wanted to include a laundry list of positive affirmations that you could use when you needed a little extra uplifting. 

BUT I felt that wasn’t enough.  I wanted to create a practical way to use these affirmations. 

Here is how to use powerful affirmations to become your best self:

Commit 2-3 affirmations to memory and use them as your mantra

There will be times you do not have a quick moment to research a positive affirmation that will fit your exact situation. Use your memorized affirmations as mantras to repeat throughout the day when you begin to feel overwhelmed or need a quick pick-me-up.  

Remember, these affirmations can be 3 or 4 words long. Something as simple as “I am calm” or “I am strong” can do the trick. 

Write down five powerful affirmations and repeat them daily

Now that you have a few short mantras memorized by heart, it’s time to dig into the details.

Write down five detailed affirmations. This step is where you will want to put specific details and tailor them to your exact dreams and desires.  

Carve out at least five minutes daily to give these thoughts life and meditate on what they mean to you. Are they helping you to overcome a difficult time? Are they helping you realize your full career potential?  

These powerful affirmations will be the main framework for the real work here.

Share your affirmations with a small community or person

We often keep our hopes and desires tucked away in fear that we may fail. But when we openly share and declare these affirmations, we give power to our words.  

Find a small, trusted community of like-minded individuals that you feel comfortable openly sharing these affirmations. You would be surprised how powerful you will feel opening up about what you truly desire out of life. Your community may also have the resources you need to become closer to your goals.

By implementing positive affirmations daily you will boost confidence and self-image, increase your ability to effectively reach your goal, better manage stressful events and find yourself happier and more fulfilled.

If you need a few to get started, here are 25 positive affirmations by category. Take what you need, friend!

25 Positive Affirmations for Women:

  • I am grateful for the blessings this day will bring.
  • Each moment in this day will bring me moments of small appreciation.
  • I am grateful for the events I have experienced, good or bad because they have shaped me to become the woman I am today. 
  • I am grateful for the opportunities that will come my way. 
  • I am grateful for the breath in my lungs and the chance to do amazing things today.
  • When I look in the mirror, I am grateful and happy to see the woman looking back at me.
  • I am unique and beautiful. 
  • Every day, I am becoming a better, more confident version of myself. 
  • I am beautiful inside and out.  
  • My clothing is designed perfectly for me. I feel confident in any outfit I wear.
  • I am confident in my ability to execute my job effectively.
  • I am worthy of a fulfilling career that brings my life purpose.
  • Money flows to me effortlessly.
  • I am worthy of a life full of abundance. 
  • I am a hard worker. I am proud of the work I produce.
  • I have a peaceful mind and am ready to conquer the day. 
  • Happiness flows within me.  
  • I am worthy of a life full of calm, peaceful moments. 
  • I enjoy quiet moments spent in solitude.  
  • Today, I choose to allow light and peaceful energy to flow within me.
  • I am worthy of meaningful relationships and genuine friendships.
  • I am surrounded by people who bring out the best in me, and in turn, I bring out the best in them. 
  • I am compassionate toward others and seek to understand.
  • I attract friendships with individuals that are loyal, kind, and trustworthy.
  • I am surrounded by powerful women that inspire me.

So let’s recap! To step into your full potential by affirming powerful thoughts you must commit a few short affirmations to memory, write down detailed affirmations to meditate on a few minutes per day, and share them with another person or a small community. Now that we have the tools to effectively use powerful affirmations to become our best selves, how will YOU get started?