Growth,  Mindset

How to Create the Perfect Morning Routine

We always hear how important it is to have a morning routine. But if I’m honest – for most of my adult life, my morning routine has been me reacting to whatever the day gave me.

If it were sunny, I’d catapult out of bed with all the energy in the world. If it were raining, I’d assume the day would be dreary and slow-paced.

There were mornings I had no desire to leave my bed and would spend 25 minutes mindlessly scrolling through social media, grabbing Starbucks, and dragging myself to work. But one or two mornings a week, I’d commit to working out, eating a healthy breakfast, starting work on time, reading a few pages of a book, and listening to a podcast.

The problem is that for both of these morning scenarios, I found no long-term success. Both were extreme opposites. One routine led to me starting my day feeling unproductive. While the other routine would be seemingly productive at first, it inevitably led to me crashing and burning after positivity-overload and the guilt of not being able to sustain it.

So what did I do to transform my morning routine? Simple – I challenged myself to move myself forward 1% each day. 

What did 1% mean to my morning routine?  I challenged myself to walk 4,000 steps each morning before work began. That’s it. I intentionally chose to eliminate packing my morning with promises that I could not sustain long-term. Nope, just a few blocks through the neighborhood or a few miles on my stationary bike.

What was amazing is as I began to challenge myself to walk these steps, I started to find small ways to be productive and move my business forward. Instead of the mindless social media scrolling, I would pull out my phone to take notes for blog topics to research and write later. I began consistently creating pins on Pinterest to drive organic blog traffic, and I’d have time to engage with my readers on a more personal level. 

It even began to overflow to other areas of my life. I spent less time mindlessly scrolling through social media throughout the day. I wanted to eat healthier and work out more. The idea that I was getting stuff done helped me feel happier all day long. And even on days that I did not get much done, I still felt more productive knowing that I did even ONE thing that moved me forward. 

This guiding principle of moving myself forward 1% each day has truly transformed the way I approach my mornings, and it overflows into the rest of my day. It has challenged me to be more motivated toward my career, in my business, and as a mother. 

Can you think of ONE thing that would move you forward 1% each day?

If you are not 100% sold on the 1% plan, let’s create the perfect morning routine to help you increase productivity and maximize your potential! 

Here is how to create a morning routine that works for YOU:

Begin each day at the same time

Waking up at the same time increases your ability to make your morning routine a habit. Research has proven that waking up at the same time daily actually improves your sleep schedule. The benefits of adding this element to your morning routine are that you will be more in control of how your time is managed, get better rest at night, and improve your overall well-being.

It’s important to remember that this is YOUR schedule, so if you’re not an early riser, do not add the unnecessary pressure to wake up at 5 am because a podcast told you to. You are the master of your mornings!

Choose to do one productive activity that you can quantify

Being able to measure what you consider “productive” is a great way to stay on track. Keep in mind, it does not have to be an extraordinary activity. Just something you will be able to sustain daily. For example, my productive activity is to walk 4,000 steps each morning. 

A few measurable activities could include walking one mile, reading ten pages of a book, listening to twenty minutes of a podcast, meditating for five minutes.

Remember, it only has to move you forward by 1% each day. Consistency is key.

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Avoid social media for the first hour of your day

A fellow entrepreneur once told me she does not check social media within the first hour of her day. That advice has stuck with me and contributes to the success of my morning routine.

Vow to steer clear of any social media scrolling for the first hour you are awake. You will find yourself hopping out of the bed more quickly and the result is a clearer mind and a happier emotional state.

Write down clear intentions for your day

Optimize your morning schedule by writing down clear intentions for your day. Write down three or four tasks you can do to move yourself forward. Writing down what you plan to accomplish throughout the day will help you strategize your day and avoid distractions.

Not only will it help your morning routine be more productive, but this small exercise can help organize your life. 

Make it enjoyable

When we think of creating morning routines, we tend to pack them with uncomfortable to-do tasks. Maybe it is chugging a spinach-filled smoothie or forcing yourself to run miles. The bottom line is if you find yourself dreading the elements in your morning routine, it will not be sustainable long-term.  

Pair your routine with things that bring you JOY. Create an amazing playlist with your workout or save your workout for later and use your mornings to sip coffee on the porch and take in the moment.

If you are set on having a challenging morning routine, make sure to add a small reward afterward. 


Your morning routine does not have to be grand and illustrious. It just has to be consistent and move you forward 1% each day. Focus on sustainability over extremities. To curate your perfect morning routine begin at the same time each morning, choose measurable activities, avoid social media for the first hour of your day, define your intentions, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, make it enjoyable. How will YOU create the perfect morning routine?