Growth,  Mindset

The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Personal Growth Plan

This article will outline step-by-step how to create a six-month growth plan that truly works!

What inspires us to take the first step towards making sustainable growth and evolve to our highest potential?

Simple – Organize your thoughts, make a practical and measurable plan, and execute said plan.

If only it were that easy, right?  

If you are reading this, I can only assume you are an ambitious soul with big ideas and aspirations. You seek to accomplish a lot, and at times, the most challenging part is figuring out how to get started.  

The best starting point is to make a plan. For any destination you want to reach in life, you need a roadmap and step-by-step instructions on how to get there.

A good plan has three main elements:
  1. A deadline: You need an expected date of completion. Without a deadline, you’ll risk falling into the trap of someday. A deadline is a clear and intentional way to set expectations.
  2. Checkpoints: Checkpoints keep you on track. The start and end of any growth plan can span over any length of time. Giving yourself small mini-goals along the way will help you gauge if you are on track or if you need to adjust your deadline.
  3. Flexibility: You can have a perfectly logical plan laid out step-by-step, but inevitably, human error will occur. Build a cushion that accounts for setbacks. There will be days you are too tired to work at your goal, random events that are completely out of your control, and everything in between. 

Understanding the elements of a good plan is just one component of making a good plan. Let’s discuss how to make a perfect six-month growth plan that works for you!

How to Create an Effective Personal Growth Plan:

Do a major brainstorming session.

Do a major brainstorming session. Write down your wishlist. Your brainstorming session is not the time to water down any dreams. Think high-level, big picture in this step. During this step, you may learn that what you initially desired may be completely different than what you set out to accomplish. Once you have several ideas laid out, you can determine which ones are worth pursuing and are most important to you personally or professionally. If you need some help with brainstorming techniques, check out this article to get started! 

Define short-term and long-term goals.

Once you’ve had a successful brainstorming session, begin to organize your thoughts and define your goals. Short-term goals as it pertains to a six-month plan will be anything you can accomplish in 3-6 months. Long-term goals will be the goals that take you longer than six months to reach.

I like to write down my long-term goals when creating my six-month plan to have a clear idea of what my ideal life will look like once I accomplish what I need to know now. For example, my short-term goal would be eliminating red meat from my diet, and this accomplishment would help align me with the long-term goal of becoming a vegetarian.

Defining both short-term and long-term goals simultaneously helps keep the plan on track.

Establish clear objectives.

Now that you’ve defined your goals, it’s important to establish objectives that will help you reach your goals. Having clear, quantifiable objectives allows you to work with purpose. Your objectives will be the basic framework of your growth plan and where you establish checkpoints. Ask yourself – what ways can you measure your growth to determine if you are on track?  Write down at least three measurable objectives and do a progress check once a month (or weekly).

Be intentional and consistent when executing your plan.

Once you’ve established your goals and defined your objectives, the number one way you will stay on track is to continuously develop your growth mindset.

Being intentional when goal setting means being sure that your actions and the things you desire align with one another. This means it’s important to not only do the things that help you get closer to your end goal but you need to ensure you’re consistently evolving and learning. Watch YouTube videos or read articles on the subject you wish to become an expert in, read books to enhance your thought process, practice and perfect your craft, ask for help, or even think about finding mentors that have paved the way. 

Define your WHY and re-visit it often.

Write down the type of person you envision yourself becoming once you experience this growth. Think of this step as working backward a bit.

Writing down the ideal YOU once you experience growth will be the fuel to keep you going while you work at your growth plan.

Write down at least five reasons you are working toward your goals. Are you going to be a small business owner? Will you find your perfect career path? Is the ideal you living a healthier lifestyle? What toxic habits did you eliminate? What healthy habits did you adopt? Revisit your WHY often when you need a little extra motivation.  If you need a reference on how to get started, Kate Pollard talks about why defining your why is an essential part of your life in this article!

For more tips and tricks on how to be the BEST version of you, click here to stay in the loop!

Let’s recap the five-step process to creating the perfect personal growth plan:

#1 Do a major brainstorming session

#2 Define short-term and long-term goals

#3 Establish clear objectives

#4 Be intentional and consistent when executing your plan

#5 Define your WHY and re-visit it often


Growth, whether it be personally or professionally, is completely up to YOU and the habits you instill daily. Creating a six-month plan can be fun and exhilarating when executed properly. Have faith in the process and trust that everything will align for your greatest good! As a perpetual optimist, I KNOW you will succeed at your growth plan! Share YOUR big plans below!