
4 Simple Ways to be a More Present Parent While Chasing Your Dreams

As bedtime crept closer, I continued to work well into the evening to get ahead of work for the next day. My daughter continuously requested I play with her or even do a small trick to catch my attention if only for a quick moment.

After endlessly stating that I will play as soon as I finish working, I shut down my laptop to join her only to find her asleep on our couch. Watching her tiny chest rise and fall to the rhythm of her peaceful breathing, I thought about how it must feel being on the other side of those “five more minutes.” Sure, playing is fun. But it’s even more fun when you can share it with someone.

How many times had I allowed this to happen?

Interrupting the mom guilt rabbit hole that was inevitable, I made a promise to do better. To BE better. To intentionally be more present and not miss out on the small moments of life.

Since that fateful day, I’ve inserted small practices to intentionally improve my parenting and become a more present mother without compromising my desire to chase after my career and goals.

Here are four ways to be a more present parent:

1) Ditch the screens.

Today we are connected electronically more than ever via our phones, laptops, watches. The list goes on. I have specific times where my entire family puts away the distraction of a screen. We may use this time to take a walk through our neighborhood, play board games, or sit around talking.

It does not have to be hours of screen-free time. Even one hour unplugged makes such a positive impact. My daughter knows there will be a designated time for us to spend time together each day and gives me an adequate amount of time to work.

2) Do hands-on activities.

One way I’ve learned to be more present is to actively do something with my hands. It forces your energy and attention to focus on the task at hand, and by doing this, I’ve seen a huge shift in my ability to be a more present parent.

Some of my favorite activities to do are baking or a quick craft. If you’re anything like me, crafts have never been my thing. I’ve learned to lean on a good craft kit to make it simple and easy to do. They come with all the supplies and step-by-step instructions needed. Here is one of my favorite craft kits:

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3) Schedule a weekly date night.

Scheduling a weekly date night is probably the one rule I value most. I make it my top priority to schedule time to make her feel special. A date night could be as simple as a quick run to get frozen yogurt or popcorn and a movie at home.

Reminding her of our one-on-one dates helps her ease the anxiousness that comes with wanting my undivided attention while I work AND gives her consistency trusting that our special time will come.

4) Make time for YOU.

This one is most important. You cannot show up for anyone else if you don’t show up for yourself. I am guilty of running myself to the ground to actively be the best parent, the best significant other, the best employee, the best small business owner, etc.

But there is freedom in remembering that you can’t be everything to everyone. Carving out time for myself for a dinner with friends, to sleep in on a Sunday, or to get a mani and pedi has been life-altering.

After some much-deserved self-care, I feel so much more clear-minded and ready to tackle parenthood and work toward my goals.


I am a firm believer in being a hardworking mother who takes time for herself and shows up for her children. The fact that you are here reading this means YOU are one step closer to doing just that. The formula to being a more present parent is simple: ditch the screens, get hands-on, schedule a weekly date night, and carving out some kid-free self-care. Here’s to being more present parents AND chasing after our dreams!